Tuesday, January 17, 2017


It's been one week!
See what I did there with the song lyric intro? You're welcome. Moving on...

This week we're diving into song lyrics. Do you have a favorite song or a million? Is there a common thread in those million favorite tunes? A personal anthem? One that brings up a special time in the past? I'm probably going to struggle with this one because I like all kinds of music. I even have songs assigned to each of my friends- none of which are relevant to their personalities, just tunes that we listened to, danced to, or perhaps made fun of at some point.
Example: One of my best friends is named after a Stevie Nicks song and she hates it. For the last 20 some years I've called her every time it comes on the radio, to torture her, like a good friend should.
I will not be using this song.

Of course, you can go that route and dedicate a page to a friend or feel free to defend the fact that Brand New Key  is the greatest song ever written. If you do absolutely know what your favorite song is, sit and listen to it a few times...in a quiet place alone or blast it from your car so everyone stuck in traffic can enjoy! What makes it yours? How does it change your day/attitude/perspective? Is there a connection to people or places or time? Is it universal...do you think everyone would benefit from hearing the words and music?

Write it all out or choose a phrase. Go to town on it like an inspirational Pinterest quote and share with us on the Facebook page!


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