Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Pay It Forward

 This week's prompt isn't a writing or drawing prompt so much as a life one. There is a lot of unrest in the world and our country right now so our little group is going to "be the good we wish to see."

 It doesn't matter who you are, your background, your political or religious beliefs, financial standing, age, race, gender...when you get to the drive-thru window and the car in front of you has paid for your lunch, coffee, or van full of happy meals- it feels amazing! It instantly changes your mindset, makes your day, and inspires you.

 Then, feeling awake and inspired, you joyfully decide to pay for the car behind you. The person in the next car gets that same feeling and passes it on. Or they don't. Maybe the SUV behind them is packed with 7 hungry teenage boys and the car had planned to just grab a Coke with some loose change. Of course, I'd rather imagine the possibility of it going on all day, and the last person through the drive just hands the cashier a 20 and tells them to start again in the morning and it goes on for a week! You never know, it's possible.

 There are lots of ways to go about this, fast food is just quick and easy. If you want to go further think about what makes you happy and pay for someone else to do it - Go to the local art club, write a check for a single class, and let the club use it to help someone who can't afford it. Write some positive reviews on Yelp, Zagat, Trip Advisor, where ever. Compliment a stranger - make it constructive, not creepy. "I love that skirt!"- yes. "That skirt makes your butt look great!" - no. Volunteer to babysit for a friend. It's Girl Scout Cookie time! Buy a few boxes for the office and set them out with a kind note when no one is looking. Be a courteous driver, give space and a friendly wave when you see someone trying to merge. Best friend had a bad day but lives 8 hours away? Order a delivery pizza to her house. Buy a rotisserie chicken for the homeless family sitting in the parking lot at your grocery store. Bake for your neighbors. Buy a car for someone. Check to see if your church or community center has a program to help people pay for utilities and pay someone's heat bill. Ask the school office if you can bring hot chocolate for the safety patrols (or teachers) who have outside duties. Have a quick conversation with your mail person and leave them their favorite snack sometimes to show that you actually listened, or some bottles of water for the guys in the trash truck. Create a kindness poster and post it on boards around town (be safe). If you're having a night away from the kids and you see a parent driving the struggle bus with their kids secretly pay for their meal.
Side Note: I know from experience that being immersed in a food stand-off, even if there's no screaming, can make you forget that there are decent human beings in the world and that not everyone in the restaurant hates you and your child. Me every night: "You Ate (food) LAST WEEK! What Do You Mean You Hate (same food)?!?!" This is a "Pay It Forward" that I have received and given...both feel AMAZING!

 Anyway, somebody buy me dinner. That's really what this is about. I'll be at O'Charley's at 6.

 Okay, maybe not, but the cost is not important. What is important is that you've consciously contributed to making someone's day better without expecting anything in return. Nationally we are clearly at odds but when it comes down to individuals, we have a lot of love to give. And there is no better way to show true love than to give without expecting anything in return.

 You are welcome to share your experiences with the group. There will be no judgies for boasting or keeping it to yourself since the assignment is both exciting and personal. Write, draw, or just post directly on the page. It will be good to see some unadulterated goodness on the Facebook ;)

 Go! Do something awesome! Do lots awesome somethings!

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