Tuesday, January 10, 2017


 It's January 10. Whether or not you believe in making New Year's Resolutions you've probably spent some time thinking about your life in this season. I've been thinking for months!

 See, I'm a planner. I love ideas, details, plotting, organizing, studying, and learning...but I have trouble following through and actually doing. I have bags full of art supplies - with receipts - just in case I change my mind about a project. A while back I had an idea, I was so smart, my success is dependent on a due date like in school! I was so good in school and not so good at adulting. For years I tried to give myself due dates for projects but it's just me not a teacher. If I don't finish a painting today, I'm not going to fail or get kicked out. I'll live. And I'll probably take a nap because I know that I'm not going to fail or get kicked out.

 Then there is my collection of super specific, brilliantly thoughtful gifts for my friends. I have a lovely box where I keep the amazing things that I buy so that I can mail them when birthdays come around...and by "birthdays" I mean "unless Bailey comes to my house from 10,000 miles away and reminds me that I have a sweet ring and cat shirt for her they will stay in said box until she comes back in 3 years." Due dates alone are not the answer. So here I am 30-some years in and I'm hoping that this little group will be the next ingredient to help me get closer to being a decent human being...a weekly due date PLUS accountability.

 Of course if it was just about me getting to know me it would be pretty lame - and I wouldn't do it. Seriously, I've "started journaling" a THOUSAND times. But! Another thing I've recently learned is that I absolutely love helping other people reawaken their own creativity. I went to school to teach art to children and that's definitely fun but there is something extra special about refreshing that joy in adults. I firmly believe that everyone has a need to create. Over the years people fall for the lie that creating is only for professional artists and children. Not true.

 So, with all of this chatter about me and my resolutions...let's get to the first prompt:

New Year's Resolutions

Do you have one? None? Many? What's driving you in that direction? Have you already taken a mis-step? How can you resolve/forgive it? If you're owning the first 10, what's keeping you in check? Is it a physical change or mental? Are you helping others by helping yourself? Are you directly helping others? Do you have an accountability partner? Is it a secret?

Take some time to think and reflect on the first 10 days of your resolution. If you're decluttering, losing weight, planting an edible garden, etc. take before and after pictures to paste onto your page. If you're looking to change your mindset draw out how you feel on one page and how you want to feel on another. Multiple resolutions? Pick one or all, one page or a few! Collage, write, tear, paint, stain, wrinkle, fold, type, paste - get it on the page!

Let's do this thing!

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