Thursday, February 2, 2017

F* Facebook February

So, after a fun week of paying it forward I am taking some time to step back.
I am a Facebook addict. I don't check it at work...except at lunch. I don't check it when I'm driving...unless I'm stuck in traffic. I don't check it in the morning...unless I'm awake. So, basically, all the time.

I'm a hyper-emotional person so I always got a pretty great high from seeing babies, vacations, puppies, inflatable t-rex, and whatever other silly things were posted. Lately, in case you haven't noticed, Fb has become a cluster-f of hate and blindness. I actually spent extra time every day searching for something good...something decent...something tolerable. Almost nothing. Only one t-rex video, it was okay.

I absolutely got wrapped up in it. Moved to find counter arguments for everything I saw. I was heart-broken by the words and images being shared by people I love and trust. I cried every day for 10 days and decided that was it.

So here we are with this week's prompt:

Check you phone usage. What do you use way too often? What is no longer bringing you joy or filling its purpose? Can you delete the ap for a day? Week? Month? Forever? "For eh ver foreh Ver" -The Sandlot.

I don't know if I can go forever, I don't think I want to. But I am going to take this very short month off. Try to reset my brain. I'm not saying to walk away from all social media, all media, talk radio, games, shopping...whatever you do most on your phone. Just choose one thing for a day, week, or month and see how you feel. Take note of it. It's been one day for me and I've already noticed that I want to check my phone at every flipping commercial. Now I'm watching commercials like a schmo but I'm also not missing the first minute of every scene after's a balance ;)

What will you ditch? How long?

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